A key advantage of floating wind farms compared to bottom-fixed variants is that it expands the number of places you can set up new wind farms. This creates new and exciting opportunities.
This blog aims to provide knowledge, learning, and inspiration on topics related to floating offshore wind as a sustainable energy source. Specifically our new innovative solution for mooring floating wind turbines called Honeymooring™.
In addition, we will supply general knowledge and insights into topics related to Semar's other main operations and activities in the oil and gas and aquaculture industry.
Visit our company page: semar.no for more information about us
Strandveien 12
N-1366 Lysaker
Phone: +47 67 12 40 06
Email: info@semar.no
Dalegata 137
N-6518 Kristiansund
Phone: +47 71 58 18 00
Email: info@semar.no