offshore wind articles

– Simplification and increased standardization are crucial enablers for the floating wind industry

29. June 2022

Experience in the oil and gas industry means we are used to one-of installations with tailor-made designs. Setting up floating wind farms with multiple identical units requires a different mindset to become feasible and economically viable.

How can you improve the safety of your marine operation crew when installing an offshore wind turbine?

14. June 2022

It is feasible to simultaneously improve crew safety and ease installation, maintenance, and repair of floating wind farms. We are bringing a new and innovative mooring solution to the table.

About the Semar knowledge hub

This blog aims to provide knowledge, learning, and inspiration on topics related to floating offshore wind as a sustainable energy source. Specifically our new innovative solution for mooring floating wind turbines called Honeymooring™. 


In addition, we will supply general knowledge and insights into topics related to Semar's other main operations and activities in the oil and gas and aquaculture industry.


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